India’s most beloved epic is brought to life with The Illustrated Ramayana that tells the story of Rama, the legendary warrior prince of Ayodhya. The Ramayana is an epic that transcends time itself. The story of Rama, the exiled prince of Ayodhya who battles the evil Ravana, the king of Lanka, and rescues his abducted wife, Sita, is about much more than the eternal battle of good versus evil. It is a tale of love, friendship, loyalty, devotion, righteousness, and deliverance. Ramayana and Rama, whose journey is told in the epic, are embedded in India’s cultural consciousness, but at the same time they transcend borders. Various versions of the Ramayana can be found across the Indian subcontinent and in parts of southeast Asia. Created in consultation with distinguished economist, scholar, and translator, Dr Bibek Debroy, The Illustrated Ramayana draws from one of its earliest composers, the celebrated sage and poet Valmiki. It uses a combination of text and stunning images drawn from a variety of sources – from historic and contemporary artefacts, paintings, photographs, and performances – to tell Rama’s story, as he walks the path that destiny creates for him. Foreword by Dr Bibek Debroy, Chairman of the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister of India. Valmiki’s Ramayana told in an easy-to-read manner. One-of-a-kind comprehensive, linear, and visual narrative, which is a treat to the eyes. Explores different aspects of the Ramayana, including other influences and works making it a truly global product. Ideal gift for special occasions such as Diwali. Collector’s item for those interested in mythology, religion, or would like to explore the world of Indian epics.
The Illustrated Ramayana
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SKU: 9789388372473
Category: Hindu Sacred Books ( English)
Weight | 1.760 kg |
Dimensions | 20 × 4 × 14 cm |
Book Author | Bibek Debroy |
Book Type | Hardcover |
Language | English |
Pages | 392 |
Published Year | 2020 |
Publisher | Dk |
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