The hymns of Sama Veda, when sung in the appropriate manner, enable you to understand the universal truths. In fact, the musical patterns in Samaveda have been derived from the vibrations of the cosmos. The Samaveda, or Veda of Holy Songs, third in the usual order of enumeration of the three Vedas, ranks next in sanctity and liturgical importance to the Rgveda or Veda of Recited praise. Its Sanhita, or metrical portion, consists chiefly of hymns to be chanted by the Udgatar priests at the performance of those important sacrifices in which the juice of the Soma plant, clarified and mixed with milk and other ingredients, was offered in libation to various deities.
SandhyAvandanam” is a “nitya karmA”, a daily obligatory duty of the dwijas. (those who wear the sacred thread)
“sandhyA” means ‘twilight’ and “vandanam” means ‘worship’.
sandhyAvandanam is the worship performed at dawn and dusk to the supreme Lord who is the indweller of the disc of the sun. The meditative repetition of the gAyatri mantrA and the offerings of water called “arghyam” are central to the “sandhyAvandanam” procedure.
sandhyAvandanam or sandhyOpasanA procedures should be learnt from your guru/pandit officially at the time of “upanayanA”, the initiation ceremony of the sacred thread because they contain mantrAs from the VedAs and have swarAs. Thereafter, it can be practised with the help of your elders or through other medias.
Please click on“My sandhyAvandanam”icon to get your personalised complete procedure.
In the morning we do “PrAtah sandhyAvandanam” or “PrAtah sandhyOpAsanA”
In the afternoon we do “MAdhyAhnikam”
In the evening we do “SAyam sandhyAvandanam” or “SAyam sandhyOpAsanA”
The traditional sandhyAvandanam procedure has 2 parts.
1) poorva bhAgam and 2) uttara bhAgam
1) poorva bhAgam has those basic purificatory karmAs like Achamanam, angavandanam, praNAyAmam, sankalpam, prOkshaNam, prAshanam, punar mArjanam, arghya pradhAnam, Atma anusandhAnam, Navagraha/keshavAdi tarpaNam.
2) uttara bhAgam has the main gAyatri japa sankalpa, gAyatri AvAhanam, gAyatri japa nyAsam, gAyatri dhyAnam, gAyatri japa, upasthAnam, digdEvatA vandanam, dig vandanam, soorya nArAyaNa vandanam, kshamA prArthanA and abhivAdanam.
Some sections of the sandhyAvandanam mantrAs differ according to castes and sub-castes.
One need these basic tools to perform thi daily ritual
Asan to sit and perform.
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